
See the World. Drink Wine. Dream. Laugh. Love.

Finance by Day. Wine seller and travel blogger by night. Love my family and friends, dreaming of my next trip, wine, fireworks.

Mt Rushmore/Badlands/Custer State Park - all in 1 day!

Mt Rushmore/Badlands/Custer State Park - all in 1 day!

Bucket list check - Mt Rushmore!

Ken and I visited South Dakota in September 2020 (yes in the Pandemic) - while I would recommend more time in this beautiful state, we only had a weekend (but one full day) to see the sites before we continued onto Montana/Wyoming.

We flew into Rapid City and stayed at the historic Alex Johnson hotel right in the heart of Rapid City (great location for our adventures). The hotel was a great location but wasn’t the nicest. I am not sure if I can attribute that to the pandemic and staffing, or in general (and this post is old so could have been updated). Regardless it was our home base for 2 nights. (They did have a fun rooftop bar too!)

Protip: Check out the America the Beautiful Park Pass - we bought this and saved us money throughout our journey - some parks accept and some don’t but will save you money regardless.

Sat AM, BRIGHT AND EARLY - Pro tip - see the sun rise at Mt Rushmore. This was perfect for us as we had a full day planned, and there were hardly any other tourists there at this time.


Next stop: Crazy Horse. We opted for a quick drive by instead of taking the time. We did research and while up close would have been impressive, we decided to take a quick picture and keep on moving.

We continued our journey to Custer State Park. Wow! Seeing all of the buffalo and other animals was a treat! There were many instances where they would just cross the road right in front of you. We kept our distance (unlike others we saw) - these animals can certainly be dangerous and better to be viewed from a safe distance. We meandered through the park and pulled off for many photo ops.

Next stop - the Badlands! Wow - so incredible and amazing within an hour drive the terrain totally changes.

On our way back to Rapid City, we made a loop and stopped at the famous Wall Drug full of tchotchkes and anything you might want

Map of our journey

Back in Rapid City for the night, we checked out 2 breweries and had dinner at Firehouse brewery (and in a firehouse!)

Quick weekend in Rapid City/Mt Rushmore/Custer State Park/Badlands complete!

One night in Jo-burg

One night in Jo-burg

Sauvignon Blanc in Marborough NZ

Sauvignon Blanc in Marborough NZ